LD 1966
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Require Disclosures in Connection with Transfers of Residential Prope... Page 6 of 7
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LR 2240
Item 1

disclosure statement to the purchaser no later than the time the
purchaser makes an offer to purchase, exchange or option the
property or exercises the option to purchase the property pursuant
to a lease with an option to purchase.

2.__Terminate contract.__If the property disclosure statement
is delivered to the purchaser after the purchaser makes an offer,
the purchaser may terminate any resulting real estate contract or
withdraw the offer no later than 72 hours after receipt of the
property disclosure statement.

3.__Withdrawal without penalty.__If the purchaser terminates a
real estate contract or withdraws an offer in compliance with
this section, the termination or withdrawal of offer is without
penalty to the purchaser and any deposit must be promptly
returned to the purchaser.

4.__Rights waived.__Any rights of the purchaser to terminate
the real estate contract provided by this section are waived
conclusively if not exercised prior to settlement or occupancy,
whichever is earlier, by the purchaser in the case of a sale or
exchange, or prior to settlement in the case of a purchase
pursuant to a lease with option to purchase.__Any rights of the
purchaser to terminate the real estate contract for reasons other
than those set forth in this section are not affected by this

5.__Invalidated.__A transfer subject to this subchapter is not
invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply
with this subchapter.

§175.__Change in circumstances

1.__Inaccurate information.__If information disclosed in
accordance with this subchapter becomes inaccurate as a result of
any action, occurrence or agreement after the delivery of the
property disclosure statement, the resulting inaccuracy does not
constitute a violation of this subchapter.

2.__Supplemental disclosure.__If prior to settlement or
occupancy an owner has actual knowledge of an error, inaccuracy
or omission in the disclosure after delivery of the property
disclosure statement to purchaser, the owner shall supplement the
property disclosure statement with a written supplemental

§176.__Disclosure statement not warranty

A property disclosure statement and any supplement to a
property disclosure statement are not a warranty by the owner or
the owner's agent.__The property disclosure statement and any

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