LD 1992
pg. 1
LD 1992 Title Page An Act to Limit Entry into the Lobster Fishery by Zone Page 2 of 4
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LR 3046
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6446, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A. Declared lobster zone. A person shall declare on an
application for a Class I, Class II or Class III lobster and crab
fishing license the lobster management zone in which that person
proposes to fish a majority of that person's lobster traps. A
license must identify the zone in which the person is authorized
to fish a majority of that person's lobster traps.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §6448 is enacted to read:

§6448. Limited-entry zones

1.__Definitions.__As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A. "Declared lobster zone" means the zone identified on a
lobster and crab fishing license pursuant to section 6446,
subsection 1-A.

B. "Limited-entry zone" means a lobster management zone
established pursuant to section 6446 for which rules
establishing limits on new zone entrants have been adopted
pursuant to subsection 2.

C. "New zone entrant" means a person who declares a limited-
entry zone as that person's declared lobster zone but who
did not hold in the previous licensing year a Class I, Class
II or Class III lobster and crab fishing license that
identified that zone as the person's declared lobster zone.

2. Rules for limited-entry zones. A lobster management policy
council may propose to the commissioner rules for a zone to
establish limits on new zone entrants.__The commissioner may
adopt rules for a lobster management zone that establish limits
on new zone entrants only when the rules are proposed by the
lobster management policy council established for that zone
pursuant to section 6447, subsection 1.__The rules may establish
an exit ratio of the number of individuals who held licenses in
the year prior to the previous calendar year on which the zone
was the declared lobster zone but did not renew those licenses in
the previous calendar year with that zone as the declared lobster
zone for one new zone entrant to be authorized under subsection
7.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

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