LD 1992
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Limit Entry into the Lobster Fishery by Zone Page 3 of 4
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LR 3046
Item 1

The Lobster Advisory Council shall establish procedures for a
lobster management policy council to follow in proposing an exit
ratio to limit new zone entrants.

3. Fishing in limited-entry zones. A person who holds a Class
I, Class II or Class III lobster and crab fishing license may not
fish a majority of that person's lobster traps in a limited-entry
zone unless that person's license identifies that zone as the
declared lobster zone.

4. Limited-entry zone as declared lobster zone. A person may
not be issued a Class I, Class II or Class III lobster and crab
fishing license that identifies a limited-entry zone as the
declared lobster zone unless that person:

A. Held in the previous licensing year a Class I, Class II
or Class III lobster and crab fishing license that
identified that zone as the person's declared lobster zone;

B. Is authorized as a new zone entrant by the commissioner
pursuant to subsection 7 to declare that zone as the
person's declared lobster zone.

5. Application for limited-entry zone.__A person who wishes to
declare a limited-entry zone as that person's declared lobster
zone shall indicate on that person's application for a Class I,
Class II or Class III lobster and crab fishing license between
October 15th and December 15th of the previous licensing year a
request to declare that zone as the person's declared lobster
zone.__The commissioner shall stamp each lobster and crab fishing
license application that contains such a request with the time
and date of submission.

6.__Public waiting list.__The commissioner shall maintain and
make available a waiting list in chronological order of people
who have requested to declare a limited-entry zone as their
declared lobster zone.

7.__Authorization of new zone entrants.__The commissioner
shall determine by February 1st of each licensing year the number
of new zone entrants that may be authorized for each limited-
entry zone.__The number of new zone entrants authorized in a
licensing year must be in accordance with the exit ratio
established under subsection 2 for that zone.__The commissioner
shall authorize new zone entrants in chronological order of
requests received under subsection 5.__The commissioner shall
notify the authorized new zone entrants by certified mail.__If a
person does not declare a zone after being authorized to do so,

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