LD 2253
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $50,000,000 to F... Page 6 of 6
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LR 3199
Item 1


Sec. B-1. 5 MRSA §6208-A is enacted to read:

§6208-A.__Unorganized territory; county approval

1.__Approval.__Approval by the county commissioners is
required if land proposed to be acquired under a bond issue
within the unorganized territory in a county constitutes more
than 1% of the state valuation within the county.

2.__Transactions.__Any acquisition of land within an
unorganized territory by eminent domain funded by the board, when
the land exceeds either 50 acres or $100,000 in assessed value,
must be approved by the county in which the land is located.__
That approval may be obtained either from the county
commissioners or, if they do not approve, by referendum of the
legal voters within the county.


The estimated cost of sending this bond issue out to
referendum will vary according to the total number of referenda
enacted during the 119th First Regular Session to be submitted to
the voters in November 1999. The estimated cost to the Secretary
of State if one to 6 referenda are enacted is $95,000. Each
additional referendum costs an additional $7,000.

If approved by the voters, the total cost of this bond issue
is estimated to be $76,250,000, with principal payments of
$50,000,000 and interest payments of approximately $26,250,000

This bill requires that certain Land for Maine's Future Board
acquisitions in the unorganized territories be approved by the
affected county The additional costs of this state mandate are
expected to be minor. Pursuant to the Mandate Preamble, the two-
thirds vote of all members elected to each House exempts the
State from the constitutional requirement to fund 90% of the
additional local costs.


This bill is the majority report of the Joint Standing
Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs. The funds
provided by this bond issue, in the amount of $50,000,000, will
be used by the Land for Maine's Future Board to acquire lands and
interests in lands for conservation, water access, outdoor

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