LD 2253
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $50,000,000 to F... LD 2253 Title Page
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LR 3199
Item 1

recreation, wildlife and fish habitat and farmland preservation.
Up to 10% of the principal is to be used to preserve farmland.
To maximize the effectiveness of this investment in Maine's
future, the board will secure matching contributions greater than
or equal to $25,000,000. Seventy percent of the $25,000,000
matching contribution, or $17,500,000, must be in the form of
land, cash or other tangible assets. The remaining 30%, or
$7,500,000, may be project-related, in-kind contributions.

This bill also states that the bond proceeds may be considered
as state match for any forthcoming federal grants.

This bill requires that, prior to certain land acquisitions in
the unorganized territories by the Land for Maine's Future Board,
the acquisitions must be approved by the affected county. This
requirement mirrors a provision currently in law requiring
similar approval by a municipality of lands proposed to be
acquired in the municipality.

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