LD 1295
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Page 10 of 67 An Act To Enact the Uniform Mediation Act Page 12 of 67
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Item 1

James Levin, Richard C. Reuben, Leonard L. Riskin, Jean R.
Sternlight (University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law);
James Brudney, Sarah R. Cole, L. Camille Hébert, Nancy H.
Rogers, Joseph B. Stulberg, Laura Williams, and Charles Wilson
(Ohio State University College of Law); Jeanne Clement (Ohio
State University College of Nursing); and Craig A. McEwen
(Bowdoin College). The Hewlett support also made it possible for
the Drafting Committees to bring noted scholars and
practitioners from throughout the nation to advise the
Committees on particular issues. These are too numerous to
mention but the Committees especially thank those who came to
meetings at the advisory group's request, including Peter Adler,
Christine Carlson, Jack Hanna, Eileen Pruett, and Professors
Ellen Deason, Alan Kirtley, Kimberlee K. Kovach, Thomas J.
Stipanowich, and Nancy Welsh.

Their scholarly work for the project examined the current
legal structure and effectiveness of existing mediation
legislation, questions of quality and fairness in mediation,
as well as the political environment in which uniform or model
legislation operates. See Frank E.A. Sander, Introduction to
Symposium on Drafting a Uniform/Model Mediation Act, 13 Ohio
St. J. on Disp. Resol. 791 (1998). Much of this work was
published as a law review symposium issue. See Symposium on
Drafting a Uniform/Model Mediation Act, 13 Ohio St. J. Disp.
Resol. 787 (1998).

Finally, observers from a vast array of mediation
professional and provider organizations also provided
extensive suggestions to the Drafting Committees, including:
the Association for Conflict Resolution (formerly the Society
of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Academy of Family
Mediators and CRE/Net), National Council of Dispute Resolution
Organizations, American Arbitration Association, Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service, Judicial Arbitration and
Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS), CPR Institute for Dispute
Resolution, International Academy of Mediators, National
Association for Community Mediation, and the California
Dispute Resolution Council. Other official observers to the
Drafting Committees included: the American Bar Association
Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice,
American Bar Association Section of Litigation, American Bar
Association Senior Lawyers Division, American Bar Association
Section of Torts and Insurance Practice, American Trial
Lawyers Association, Equal Employment Advisory Council,
National Association of District Attorneys, and the Society of
Professional Journalists.

Similarly, the Act also received substantive comments from
several state and local Bar Associations, generally working
through their ADR committees, including: the Alameda County
Bar Association, the Beverly Hills Bar Association, the State
Bar of

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