B. Be packaged with screw-based compact fluorescent lamps to | fill all sockets, with such lamps satisfying the Energy Star | Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent Lamps (Version | 3.0); or |
| C. Use and be packaged with light sources other than | compact fluorescent lamps that meet or exceed the minimum | efficacy requirements, as measured in lumens per watt, of | the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent | Lamps (Version 3.0). |
| | 4. Commercial clothes washers must meet or exceed the | requirements shown in Table P-4 of section 1605.3 of the | California Code of Regulations, Title 20: Division 2, Chapter 4, | Article 4: Appliance Efficiency Regulations in effect on December | 15, 2004. |
| | 5. Commercial prerinse spray valves must have a flow rate | less than or equal to 1.6 gallons per minute. |
| | 6. Commercial refrigerators, freezers and refrigerator- | freezers must meet or exceed the minimum efficiency requirements | shown in Table A-6 of section 1605.3 of the California Code of | Regulations, Title 20: Division 2, Chapter 4, Article 4: | Appliance Efficiency Regulations as adopted on December 15, 2004, | except that pulldown refrigerators with transparent doors must | meet or exceed a requirement 5% less stringent than shown in the | California regulations. |
| | 7. Digital television adapters may not use more than one watt | in "standby-passive" mode and may not use more than 8 watts in | "on" mode. |
| | 8. Residential furnaces and boilers must meet or exceed the | following annual fuel use efficiency values: |
| A. For natural gas-fired and propane-fired furnaces, a | minimum efficiency level of 90%; |
| B. For oil-fired furnaces, a minimum efficiency level of | 83%; |
| C. For natural gas-fired and propane-fired hot water | boilers, a minimum efficiency level of 84%; |
| D. For oil-fired hot-water boilers, a minimum efficiency | level of 84%; |