LD 1609
pg. 78
Page 77 of 148 An Act To Establish the Uniform Partnership Act Page 79 of 148
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LR 1469
Item 1

4.__Exemptions apply.__This chapter does not deprive a partner of
a right under exemption laws with respect to the partner's interest
in the partnership.

5.__Exclusive remedy for judgment creditor.__This section
provides the exclusive remedy by which a judgment creditor of a
partner or partner's transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the
judgment debtor's transferable interest in the partnership.


(This is Section 504 of the Uniform Partnership Act (1997).)

1. Section 504 continues the UPA Section 28 charging order as
the proper remedy by which a judgment creditor of a partner may
reach the debtor's transferable interest in a partnership to
satisfy the judgment. Subsection (a) makes the charging order
available to the judgment creditor of a transferee of a
partnership interest. Under Section 503(b), the transferable
interest of a partner or transferee is limited to the partner's
right to receive distributions from the partnership and to seek
judicial liquidation of the partnership. The court may appoint a
receiver of the debtor's share of the distributions due or to
become due and make all other orders that may be required.

2. Subsection (b) is new and codifies the case law under the
UPA holding that a charging order constitutes a lien on the
debtor's transferable interest. The lien may be foreclosed by
the court at any time, and the purchaser at the foreclosure sale
has the Section 503(b) rights of a transferee. For a general
discussion of the charging order remedy, see I Alan R. Bromberg &
Larry E. Ribstein, Partnership (1988), at 3:69.

3. Subsection (c) continues the UPA Section 28(2) right of
the debtor or other partners to redeem the partnership interest
before the foreclosure sale. Redemption by the partnership
(i.e., with partnership property) requires the consent of all the
remaining partners. Neither the UPA nor RUPA provide a statutory
procedural framework for the redemption.

4. Subsection (d) provides that nothing in RUPA deprives a
partner of his rights under the State's exemption laws. That is
essentially the same as UPA Section 28(3).

5. Subsection (e) provides that the charging order is the
judgment creditor's exclusive remedy. Although the UPA nowhere
states that a charging order is the exclusive process for a
partner's individual judgment creditor, the courts have generally
so interpreted it. See, e.g., Matter of Pischke, 11 B.R. 913

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