Sen. Susan Bernard (R-Aroostook)
Senate District 1: In Aroostook County: Allagash; Ashland; Caribou; Castle Hill; Caswell; Chapman; Connor Township; Cyr Plantation; Eagle Lake; Fort Fairfield; Fort Kent; Frenchville; Garfield Plantation; Grand Isle; Hamlin; Limestone; Madawaska; Mapleton; Masardis; Nashville Plantation; New Canada; New Sweden; Northwest Aroostook UT; Perham; Portage Lake; Saint Agatha; Saint Francis; Saint John Plantation; Square Lake UT; Stockholm; Van Buren; Wade; Wallagrass; Washburn; Westmanland; Winterville Plantation; and Woodland.
Mailing Address: 3 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333
State House: (207) 287-1505
Legislative Service: Senate 132; House 130
Committee Assignments:
Appropriations and Financial Affairs