LD 1964
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Establish the Charter School Authority Page 5 of 5
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LR 1469
Item 1

§2433.__Powers and duties of authority

The authority has the following powers and duties:

1.__Comprehensive funding plan.__To develop a comprehensive
funding plan for independent and other charter schools that seek
funding outside of school tuition reimbursement or pass-through
agreements between school administrative units and charter
schools operating in those units;

2.__Financial assistance.__To develop per pupil funding for
parents of children living in areas where there is not sufficient
funding to operate the charter school;

3.__Charter school plan.__To develop a comprehensive charter
school plan based on student survey data that prioritizes the
special populations of students to be served; identifies regions
of the State where those populations are large enough to create a
demand for a new school; and identifies sources of funding for
students including scholarships, grants, federal funds and
technology grants;

4.__Start-up funds.__To allocate start-up funds to qualified
groups wishing to start a charter school, based on priorities set
in the charter school plan;

5.__Technical assistance.__To secure technical assistance for
start-up groups and new charter schools from existing sources;

6.__Construction and renovation.__To secure assistance on
capital construction and renovation plans;

7.__Sponsor contracts.__To contract with sponsors of charter
schools that are not public schools;

8.__Coordination.__To coordinate with other state and federal
agencies to ensure that charter schools receive all available
funds, goods and services that are provided to other public
schools and local education agencies;

9.__Handbook.__To develop a model handbook to be used as a
guide by charter groups;

10.__Model contract. To develop a model performance contract
to be used by sponsors;

11.__Recruitment and training.__To__recruit teachers from
regions that are closing schools because of falling enrollments
and train them as master teachers.__Master teachers must be

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