| Posted
| Title
| Department
| Description
08/06/2019 |
CTPCAgendas2005 |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/05/2019 |
State of Michigan Administrative Order N. 2014-12, ADM File No. 2014-33. Michigan Supreme Court (June 25, 2014) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/05/2019 |
Inland Consent Decree - U.S. v. Michigan, No. 2:1973-CV-00026 (W.D. Mich. 2007) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/05/2019 |
Michigan Executive Directive No. 2012-2 (2012) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/05/2019 |
Executive Messages of Governor John Engler Regarding the 2002 Government-to-Government Accord Between the State of Michigan and the Federally Recognized Indian Tribes in the State of Michigan (2002) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/05/2019 |
Settlement Agreement by the Oneida Nation, the State of New York, the County of Madison and the County of Oneida (2013) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
08/01/2019 |
2020-2021 129th Legislature 1st Regular Session Appropriations Detail |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Membership List |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Suffolk Study Feb. 2017 |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Supplementary Claims Settlement Act of 1986 (Pub.L. No. 99-566) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Aroostook Band of Micmacs Settlement Act (Pub.L. No. 102-171) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Joint Order Establishing the Task Force HP 1307 |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force An Act to Implement the Maine Indian Claims Settlement (Title 30, Chapter 601) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force The Micmac Settlement Act (Title 30, Chapter 603) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 (Pub.L. No. 96-420) |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
07/22/2019 |
Maine Indian Claims Settlement Task Force Meeting Agenda 7-22-19 |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
06/13/2019 |
2020-2021 Biennial Budget - Governor Proposed vs. Majority - Committee A |
06/13/2019 |
2020-2021 Biennial Budget - Governor Proposed vs. Minority - Committee B |
07/01/2019 |
2018-2019 Thru the 129th Legislature, 1st Regular Session |
07/16/2019 |
2018-2019 with PL 2019, c. 343 the 2020-2021 Biennial Budget |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Approved Meeting Summary |
Executive Director's Office |
03/22/2019 |
Consideration of GOC potential next steps - Frontline Workers Info Brief |
01/25/2019 |
OPEGA Evaluation of Employment Tax Increment Financing (ETIF) - At A Glance |
06/24/2019 |
Information to Support 2019 Expedited Reviews of Maine State Tax Expenditures - "Charitable" Tax Expenditures |
07/10/2018 |
6-14-18 Meeting Summary |
05/23/2019 |
5-23-19 Legislative Council Approved Meeting Summary |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Action Taken on Studies |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Agenda pages 28 to 135 |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Agenda pages 25 to 27 |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Agenda pages 15 to 24 |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
6-17-19 Legislative Council Agenda pages 1 to 14 |
Executive Director's Office |
06/17/2019 |
Tabled Bills June 15, 2019-Web Version |
05/23/2019 |
5-23-19 Legislative Council Policy on Harassment |
Executive Director's Office |
04/25/2019 |
4-25-19 Legislative Council Approved Meeting Summary |
Executive Director's Office |
05/23/2019 |
5-23-19 Legislative Council Revised Agenda |
Executive Director's Office |
05/20/2019 |
AFA Schedule week of 05-20-19 through 05-24-19 |
05/10/2019 |
C.A.R.E. Project - Recommendations Summary |
05/10/2019 |
Commissioner Lambrew and Dr. Landry testimony - 5-10-19 |
04/25/2019 |
4-25-19 Legislative Council Revised Agenda |
Executive Director's Office |
05/23/2019 |
5-23-19 Legislative Council Preliminary Agenda |
Executive Director's Office |
05/17/2019 |
AFA Schedule 05-17-19 - Updated 5/17/19 |
05/16/2019 |
CJPS List of Firearms Bills |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
05/16/2019 |
CJPS Index to Legal Sources Regarding Firearms |
Policy and Legal Analysis |
05/16/2019 |
AFA Schedule week of 05-13-19 through 05-17-19 |
05/16/2019 |
Stress-Testing_Maine_General_Fund_Revenues_and_Reserves_FY19-FY23 |
05/15/2019 |
2020-2021 GF Status Governor Proposed Budget w Change Package |
05/14/2019 |
Ad for Public Comment Period 1001 Change Package |
04/12/2019 |
4-12-19 Meeting Summary |
03/22/2019 |
3-22-19 Meeting Summary |
05/10/2019 |
AFA Schedule week of 05-13-19 through 05-17-19 |