Portraits In the Law Library

John Appleton
Portrait presented in October 1900 by his son, Hon. Frederick H. Appleton, of Bangor.
Artist unknown.
7/12/1804. Born in New Ipswich, NH.
1818-1822. Attended and graduated from Bowdoin College where his uncle
Jesse was President.
1822-1826. Studied law in Groton, MA then Alfred, ME. Admitted to the
Bar in Amherst, NH.
1826-1832. Practiced law briefly in Dixmont then Sebec, then moved to Bangor.
1852-1862. Appointed Associate Justice, Maine Supreme Judicial Court.
1862-1883. Chief Justice.
7/7/1891. Died in Bangor.

Nathan Clifford
Portrait purchased at auction in 2001. Artist unknown.
8/18/1803. Born in Rumney, NH.
1827. Admitted to the bar. Practiced in Newfield, ME.
1830-1833. Maine House of Representatives. Speaker last two years.
1834-1837. Maine Attorney General.
1838 U.S. Congressional Representative. Served two terms.
1846-1848. U.S. Attorney Genera.
l1848. Peace Commissioner to Mexico.
1858-1881. New England seat on U.S. Supreme Court.
7/25/1881. Died in Cornish, ME

Alonzo Garcelon
Portrait painted by D.D. Coombs, Mechanic Falls, in 1909.
5/6/1813. Born in Lewiston.
1836. Graduated Bowdoin College.
1839. Graduated Medical College of Ohio in Cincinnati and returned to
Lewiston to start his medical practice.
1847. Started the Lewiston Journal with W.H. Waldron.
1853-1854. Maine House of Representatives.
1855-1856. Maine Senate.
1857-1858. Maine House of Representatives.
1871. Mayor of Lewiston.
1/8/1879-1/17/1880. Governor (elected by the Legislature).
12/8/1906. Died in Medford, MA

Wyman Bradbury Seavy Moor
11/11/1811. Born in Waterville, ME.
1835. Admitted to the Maine Bar and practiced law in Waterville.
1839. Maine House of Representatives.
1844-1848. Maine Attorney General. Moved to Bangor in 1847.
1/5/1848-6/7/1848. U.S. Senator (filled vacancy caused by death of John Fairfield until successor elected). Resumed law practice in Bangor
1852. Returned to Waterville to practice law. Superintendent of construction of railroad from Waterville to Bangor.
1859-1861. Appointed by Pres. Buchanan as consel general to the British North American Provinces then returned to Waterville law practice.
1868. Purchased estate near Lynchburg, VA. and operated iron furnace.
3/10/1869. Died in Lynchburg. Buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Waterville.

Joseph White Symonds
Portrait painted by Joseph deCamp, Cincinnati, OH, in 1901.
1860. Graduated Bowdoin College.
1863. Admitted to Bar, Portland.
1868. Chosen city solicitor of Portland.
1872-1878. Superior Court Judge, Cumberland County.
1878-1884. Associate Justice, Maine Supreme Judicial Court.
1884-1918. Practiced law in Portland.
9/28/1918. Died in Bethlehem, NH.
Ezekial Whitman
3/9/1776. Born in East Bridgewater, MA.
1795. Graduated Brown University.
1799. Admitted to the Bar of Plymouth County, then came to New Gloucester, Maine in April
1808. Elected to the U.S. Congress and served three terms
1816, 1819. Member of the constitutional conventions in Maine
1816, 1818, 1821. Served again in Congress
1822. Appointed Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas (Maine) where he presided for about 20 years
1841-1848. Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court
8/1/1866. Died in East Bridgewater, MA

William Durkee Williamson
Portrait painted from life by Jeremiah Pearson Hardy (1880-1888) in Bangor in
1821 while Williamson was a U.S. Representative
1804. Graduated Brown University.
1807. Admitted to the Bar and started a practice in Bangor.
1811. County Attorney for Hancock Co.
1816-1820. Member of Mass. State Senate (until Maine's statehood).
1820, 1821. Maine Senate President.
1821. Acting Governor after William King's resignation.
1821-1823. U.S. Representative to 17th Congress.
1824-1840. Probate Judge, Penobscot Co.
1838-1841. Bank commissioner.
5/27/1846. Died in Bangor, ME.
Updated 1/30/2018 A-Z List
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John AppletonPortrait presented in October 1900 by his son, Hon. Frederick H. Appleton, of Bangor. 7/12/1804. Born in New Ipswich, NH.
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Nathan Clifford
Portrait purchased at auction in 2001. Artist unknown. 8/18/1803. Born in Rumney, NH. |
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Alonzo GarcelonPortrait painted by D.D. Coombs, Mechanic Falls, in 1909. 5/6/1813. Born in Lewiston.
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Wyman Bradbury Seavy Moor11/11/1811. Born in Waterville, ME. |
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Joseph White SymondsPortrait painted by Joseph deCamp, Cincinnati, OH, in 1901. 9/2/1840. Born in Raymond.
1860. Graduated Bowdoin College. 1863. Admitted to Bar, Portland. 1868. Chosen city solicitor of Portland. 1872-1878. Superior Court Judge, Cumberland County. 1878-1884. Associate Justice, Maine Supreme Judicial Court. 1884-1918. Practiced law in Portland. 9/28/1918. Died in Bethlehem, NH. |
Ezekial Whitman
3/9/1776. Born in East Bridgewater, MA.
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William Durkee Williamson
Portrait painted from life by Jeremiah Pearson Hardy (1880-1888) in Bangor in 7/31/1779. Born in Canterbury, CT.
1804. Graduated Brown University. 1807. Admitted to the Bar and started a practice in Bangor. 1811. County Attorney for Hancock Co. 1816-1820. Member of Mass. State Senate (until Maine's statehood). 1820, 1821. Maine Senate President. 1821. Acting Governor after William King's resignation. 1821-1823. U.S. Representative to 17th Congress. 1824-1840. Probate Judge, Penobscot Co. 1838-1841. Bank commissioner. 5/27/1846. Died in Bangor, ME.
Updated 1/30/2018 A-Z List